article by.ableh
Each year the number of smokers in iIndonesa and possibly the world, it actually increases bunkannya decreased. This increase is dominated by the "New Smoker", from beginner smokers among teenagers. Various health addressed to the smokers did not seem to work.
Penalty sanctions too often tricked, in order to continue to smoke cigarettes. any location, including "gang Smoker" knows that smoking is mengangu health. The danger is not only the smoker's own fatherly, but also for others or passive smokers. Even blessing pemerinta regulations, none of cigarettes in this country escape from the sentence "Smoking can cause cancer, heart attacks, impotensia and disorder of pregnancy and the fetus." Smoke still billowed ari mouths of smokers filled the air in almost all public places.
If various shock theraoy that during this very intense so that smokers give up none have this effect. So how is necessary to find jlan middle. Namely how to keep these aspirations remain smokers could be accommodated but the smoke did not endanger anyone. Wal results necessary to create one type of cigarette smoke was not dangerous. Both make siperokok and people that suck the smoke. Question is it possible?.
This may be the company manager said cigarette herbal therapy in East Java. Katany, smoking is only the healing effect when inhaled alone. In addition, cigarette ash can be used as drug rashes, canker sores and toothaches and have different tastes with other cigarettes.
If the cigarette is smoked to give healing treatments for lung disease, asthma, polyps, sinusitis lightweight, impotensia, heart disease, high blood pressure, liver, kidneys, and even drug addiction. Even more surprisingly, this cigarette has been shown to make people quit smoking. It's just that this depends on a strong willingness of each consumer. The faster growing high willingness to quit smoking.
Scientific research
According to the manager of the cigarette companies initially diperoduksi only as a means of therapy treatment for various types of diseases. Because of many requests from users who feel the positive effects, it was decided to produce them en masse.
Before any permission from the authorities to produce, tobacco products have been scientifically tested in the laboratory of Brawijaya Chemistry, Laboratory of Chemistry, State University of Malang Dandi one of the leading cigarette manufacturer in East Java was officially designated by the government for tobacco product testing.
"The results show, our cigarette nicotine levels are very low, even otherwise approaching 0%. It's official laboratory tests also found high-value tar cigarettes, but it's not without reason" cetusnya.Tar allegedly produced a herbal medicine which acts as gurah (excrete toxins from the lungs and blood) through the mouth, nose and ears.
Tar in the international standard is a measurement of weight of materials that cigarette smoke contains toxic and other hazardous materials. TAR values are generally high when the heavy breathing, breathlessness and chest pain. But the value of the existing TAR can not be described in detail so that further scientific evidence is still menuggu time. So the government warning as the official rules shall be included.
For current smokers who smoke cigarettes is the first time, will likely be immediately felt pleasure. The body was fresh both in activities of daily sleep and wake up. That means the remaining low-toxins in the body. Sebaliknnya make skillful people would feel bitter, tengorokan itching, burning, pain, dizziness, nausea, and so forth. Well it shows, the active ingredient of cigarettes is working to destroy and reduce high levels of toxins in the blood and the lungs and the smoker's body. Non-smokers who tried to passive smoking are likely to also feel things like the above.
Reaction-shaped body fluids such as mucus out of the ear, nose, and should always be cleaned. If dirt or toxins in the lungs and too thick, mucous fluid that comes out the possibility of blood and dirt.
From the reactions had been advised to consume cigarettes until healed. Because smoking is still safe to eat and the smoke was not toxic even functions as a passive smoker as medical therapy in active smokers.
Will the "smoker mania" cigarettes choose these healthy therapy? Kalaumemiliki sense of moral responsibility, they may want to try it. So, how the fate of regular cigarette products when customers move to other cigarettes?
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