I just prescription drugs for high blood pressure but I do not really want to take because hair loss is listed as one of the side effects. Can you suggest an alternative course of treatment?
I explained to the patient of high blood pressure me like this: when you water your garden, you can increase the water pressure by placing a strong pump on it or by squeezing the mouth. Similarly, increased blood pressure when the heart (a pump strong) beats faster or when arteries constrict.
Blood pressure varies constantly, increasing with exercise or anxiety and falling as you relax. The problem comes with persistent high blood pressure (hypertension), which affects "about one in six adults in this country and can damage the heart and other organs. Measurement of blood pressure is given as two numbers: healthy young adults should rest reach no more than 120 / 80 mm Hg (millimeters of mercury units). In general, hypertension is to read constantly higher than 140/90 mmHg, even when at rest.
Mai factors that cause the heart to beat faster is stress, abnormal hormone production (primarily adrenaline and thyroxin); of chemicals including caffeine, prescription and recreational drugs, excess salt, and lack of oxygen to the brain or tissue, which makes the body tries to compensate by increasing flow blood. Blood vessels (mainly arteries) constrict because of stress, muscle cramps (caused by tension or fatigue), high cholesterol, coffee, excess salt, monosodium glutamate, or recreational drugs.
There are many countries blood pressure. Stage one is when blood pressure rises when combined with stress stimuli such as drinking coffee, excess salt intake, medications, exercise or are in the highlands. Once the effects of the stimulus passes and / or you relax, blood pressure returned to normal.
In stage two, the body is conditioned to the stress continues in a state of high alert, and blood pressure should be controlled with medication or other means such as acupuncture and herbal medicine.
In stage three, which narrowed arteries with plaque internally, and higher blood pressure, permanently. strong and determined diuretic drugs.
Stage four spells danger: the artery permanently limited means of oxygen-deficient organs and they begin to change the structure and function. heart beats very fast and starting to get magnified.
< High blood pressure can not be ignored: many complications including heart attack, stroke and coronary artery disease, headaches, irritability, insomnia, dizziness, brain haemorrhage, retinal bleeding and kidney damage. Pregnant women suffered from pre-eclampsia (raised blood pressure accompanied by a kidney problem).
If your high blood pressure recently diagnosed and not too worrying possibility is that these programs would help to arrange it, and you do not need treatment.
This is my advice
- Fast once a week for l6 weeks in a non-citrus fruit salad and raw water - the body would be relaxed, so that the blood pressure will drop. If you can afford to relax, do a quick water six times in 24 hours 250mltumbler drinking water with three drops of lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey in it. This has a strong influence in lowering blood pressure and keeping it low.
- Avoid excess salt, coffee, smoking, red meat, fried foods, cheese, rich curries, monosodium glutamate, bacon, sausage, contraceptive pills, tablets of HRT and steroids. Drink no more than four units of alcohol weekly.
Rasagandha (Rasashala tablets) is an ayurvedic supplement which helps to calm the mind, relax muscles, lower blood pressure and cause sleep is good. Take one tablet before bed for two months.
Acupuncture has a good effect in lowering blood pressure.
-Listen to relaxation / meditation CD at bedtime or at night after work every day for two months, as Dr Ali Relaxation CD (Integrated Health Group).
- Practicing yoga iyenger therapeutic (especially body postures) and breathing exercises (breath retention, especially''). Details in my book Theropeutic Yoga, written with Jiwan Brar.
Is massage your entire body as often as possible to de-stress. muscle. Massage your neck, or ask someone to do it for you, for l5 to 20 minutes twice a week to increase the supply of oxygen to the brain so that the heart is not beating so hard. Details on how to massage my life on DVD (Integrated Health Group).
Fast walking in the fresh air for at least 30 to 60 minutes every day.
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