Breast cysts are fluid-filled sac found in the breast.
The cause is unknown, possibly involving a mild injury to the breast.
Cysts most commonly found in women approaching the menopause.
But the cysts can occur in postmenopausal women, especially if they hormone replacement therapy.
Sometimes cysts cause breast pain.
Diagnosis based on symptoms and physical examination.
Palpable cysts slippery, could move, firmly bounded, and sometimes pain when pressed.
- Checking the usual done to ensure there is a breast cyst: Mammography
- Ultrasound breast.
To reduce pain, fluid from the cyst can be taken using a needle.
If these fluids contain blood, brown or cloudy, or re-collected within 12 weeks after the liquid is taken, then the entire cyst must be removed surgically because of the possibility of malignancy can occur in the cyst wall.
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